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Text To Text And Speech Translation

Bhashini-Translation is a powerful language translation library designed specifically for Indian languages. It harnesses the power of AI to offer accurate and efficient translation services. With Bhashini-Translation, you can easily integrate advanced language translation capabilities into your web applicationsIt's integrating with Bhashini Api. It seamlessly integrates with web frontends such as Vanilla JS, React, and Angular.
Bhashini follows ISO-639 series of language codes.

Users can first input text into the text area, then choose to either have the text translated into a different language or converted into speech (or both). This could be particularly useful for scenarios where users want to communicate with someone who speaks a different language or want to listen to content rather than reading it.

Getting Started

  1. Install the package using npm or yarn
npm install bashaini-textandspeechtranslation 
yarn add bashaini-textandspeechtranslation 
  1. Import the package in Module
import { TextandspeechModule } from 'bashaini-textandspeechtranslation';
import { TextandspeechConfig } from 'bashaini-textandspeechtranslation/public-api';

3.Add Your userId,apiKey,authorizationToken For configuration

providers: [
provide: 'TEXT_AND_SPEECH_CONFIG', // Use a string token to provide the configuration
useValue: {
userId: 'Your User Id', // Provide the user ID here
apiKey: 'Your apiKey', // Provide the API key here
authorizationToken: 'Your authorizationToken', // Provide the authorization token here
} as TextandspeechConfig,

4 Call Library


get authentication details

Signup here to get authentication details

- Step 1: Fill out the registration form.
  • Step 2: Perform email authentication to enable login functionality
  • Step 3: Login using the authenticated email.
  • Step 4: Open the "My Profile" section
  • Step 5: create the API Key using Generate Button under My Profile section.
  • Step 6: press generate in api key to get credentials
  • Step 7: now copy userid, UlcaApiKey, and authorizationToken for Meity and pass as argument in bhashini.auth("userid", "UlcaApiKey", "authorizationToken") function